Saturday, December 6, 2014

2015 Call for Nominations to Asheville NOW Elected Offices

The 2014 President of Asheville's NOW Chapter, Debbie Metcalf, has issued a call for nominations to office for Asheville NOW. This year's nominating committee has proposed the following slate, but the FLOOR REMAINS OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS until noon Thursday, Dec. 11. 

Please submit your nominations for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. Members willing to serve may nominate themselves for these positions, or another may nominate you. Comments may be made during the brief meeting  portion of the holiday event.

 The proposed slate of officers is as follows:
  • President - Sherri McLendon
  • Vice President - Byron Ballard
  • Treasurer - Lorraine Cummings
  • Secretary - Open (Internal Communications)

To submit your nominations, please email those suggestions to

Debbie Metcalf will contact those individuals to acquire their acceptance of the nomination. Should no additional nominees be submitted, the slate of proposed officers will be affirmed at the event. Any positions not filled and/or committee chair positions may be filled by the incoming president.

Holiday 'Drop In' Celebration on Dec. 11 Fills Women Activists with Joy, Hope

Join us Thursday, Dec. 11, as we laugh out loud and in Asheville with amazing, vibrant women

We'll begin to plot and plan our next direct action, elect next year's officers, create general mayhem, make a chain of wishes, create the kinds of connections to cherish and remember.

You're invited to celebrate the holiday season with a casual, drop-in celebration with the Asheville Chapter of the National Organization for Women on Thursday, December 11, at Battery Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar, in the Grove Arcade, from 6-8 p.m.

Each attendee will receive a special gift of light from us to you, and will have the opportunity to win the seasonal Rosemary tree, a gift of remembrance in honor of the sisterhood of women and the hope for the future.

We look forward to sharing this time with you! Of course, you are more than welcome to bring a friend. We'll have a few munchies and non-alcoholic refreshment options are available.

2015 - ERA Legislation to be Introduced in North Carolina

Did you know that 2015 is the year that ERA Legislation will be introduced in the State of North Carolina? If you haven't heard about it, then please learn more and share what you know.

The Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified in North Carolina before the artificial deadline in 1983.

ERA is a constitutional inequality issue at the federal and state levels. Without ERA, more than 50 percent of the nation's voting populace is subject to state sanctioned discrimination on the basis of gender.

Economic inequality (paying women less for equal work) and the treatment of violent crime against women as lesser, second-tier offenses could be effectively addressed with the guarantee of legislated equality without regard to gender.

Learn more about North Carolina's ERA status quo at this website:

To get involved with women's issues, including ERA, at the local level, please contact Asheville NOW, or reach out to other organizations like this one: